Kilkea Castle Co Kildare

Kilkea Castle Co Kildare

This is a video on Kilkea castle Co. Kildare. It was famously occupied by the Jesuits, under Fr Robert a first cousin once removed of the owner, Elizabeth, Countess of Kildare, in the 1620s to mid 1640s. During that time a contemporary document described it as the headquarters of the Catholic faith in Ireland (see Richard Simpson, The Lady Falkland, her life, also, a memoir of Father Francis Slingsby (London, 1861), p.212.). References here are also from:
Lord Walter Fitzgerald, Kilkea Castle, in, Journal of the Co Kildare Archaeological Society and Surrounding Districts (Dublin, 1899) vol ii, p.3-32.
Francis Grose, The antiquities of Ireland (Dublin, 1791) vol i, p.80.
John Lynch, Supplementum Alithinologiae (St Malo, 1667), p.87-8.
Credit to : SarsfieldsVirtualPub.

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