Susanne Delaney is a concerned citizen and mother who wrote an open letter addressing Irish doctors (below), asking many pertinent and urgent questions relating to the conduct and slipping ethics of the medical community over the past 18 months. Susanne seeks to highlight many unsettling issues, urging people to examine what really happened in Irish nursing homes. In addition, she raised issues regarding how children are also being failed by the medical community.
In tonight’s One To One show, Aisling and Susanne discuss ongoing issues relating to two of the most vulnerable groups in society, who have in reality been anything but protected in these times, amongst other topics. Such as whether the financial incentivisation of doctors has overtaken their due diligence to assess the safety of covid vaccines.
*Given the current rhetoric of silencing dissenters through “far-right, anti-vaxxer” labels, Susanne would like to state that she affiliates with no political leader, party nor paradigm, and is not against any group in society. She does not identify as “anti vax” Both Susanne and her daughter have received fully approved traditional vaccines in the past. She is anti experimental “vaccine” and vehemently against the push to administer this novel gene therapy to children. She is also pro-sound science (backed by long-term data) and anti-censorship.
Susanne’s Letter…
DEAR IRISH DOCTORS (Those whom have been complicit),
How can we ever trust you again? Over the past 18 months vast swathes of you have abandoned your ethics and principles. If indeed you had them to dispose of in the first instance. After all you no longer take a Hippocratic oath; and the underpinnings of your profession are economically driven as opposed to altruistically care driven. Unconscionable action and INACTION have marked you out as people who would be more deserving right now of prison jumpsuits than white coats. That white coat once evoked unremitting respect from us lay people. Now we know that white coat should be covered in B!g P-h@rm-a logos to show exactly where your loyalties lie.
Credit to : Irish Inquiry
Aisling O’loughlin Interviews Susanne Delaney