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Argentina Radical Game-changing Solution To The Global Housing Crisis

Argentina Radical Game-changing Solution To The Global Housing Crisis

Argentina Radical Game-changing Solution To The Global Housing Crisis

Argentina Radical Game-changing Solution To The Global Housing Crisis

The Housing Crisis is worldwide; from Ireland, the UK, the US, Europe, and Canada, nearly every country is suffering from a housing crisis. By Design Poor Planning or just bad luck most of the world has less homes to buy and rent.

But has Argentina just pointed to a possible solution. Can we learn from the mistakes of Argentina and also learn from their radical actions.

My name is Shane Fleming a chartered property expert with over 18 years of experience in real estate, a degree in property economics. The views in these videos are my own and are just entertainment. No formal advice has been provided.

Buenos Aries’s housing crisis is potentially 100% times worse than Dublin’s, and a 20% drop in rental prices does not go anywhere close to solving the housing crisis in Argentina, but it does point to a potential solution.

The level of poverty in Argentina is increasing at an alarming rate, It is estimated that 40% of the population lives in poverty. More than three in 10 persons lack adequate housing. experience overcrowding, lack of access to drinking water and sanitation services, dirt roads, and no means of transportation or access to the main services.

Argentina’s economic landscape is undergoing a severe housing crisis, with inflation rates soaring up to 211% per year. In particular, tenants are bearing the brunt of the crisis, struggling to keep up with escalating rent prices.

Compounding the housing crisis was the devaluation of the peso by over 50% in December, drastically reducing purchasing power and triggering a 25.5% price hike within a month.

This story begins when A ‘Rent law’ that was enacted in July 2020, which set a minimum term of three years for leases and tied rent adjustments to salary and inflation rates. This law lead to a reduction in supply and a increase in Airbnb. But that law was pretty much just ripped up a few weeks ago. Causing uproar from tenant groups and many angry protests.

All Because the new President plans to eliminate or change 300 regulations as part of economic ‘shock’ therapy.

Argentina’s right-wing president has announced sweeping measures to deregulate the economy,
Credit to : Shane Fleming

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