Capturing Dramatic Seascapes Wild Waves Photography at Dingle, Ireland

Capturing Dramatic Seascapes Wild Waves Photography at Dingle, Ireland

In this video, I return to the Dingle Peninsula, one of my favourite locations in Ireland, to capture some dramatic seascapes and unexpected wildlife action. The day promised great light and massive waves, so I headed to the old, disused Dunquin Pier—a historic spot once used for landing boats from the Blasket Islands. Upon arrival, I was greeted by hundreds of birds, including gannets and seagulls, diving for fish. With the help of a borrowed Canon 100-500mm L lens, I took the opportunity to try my hand at wildlife photography.

As the waves began to crash against the headland and the light hit just right, I turned my attention to the stunning landscape, focusing on the Great Blasket Island, An Tiaracht, and the powerful waves. Join me as I walk you through my process, from setting up shots to capturing the scale and intensity of this incredible location.
Credit to : Darren J Spoonley Photography

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