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Driving from Northern Ireland to Australia in a Campvervan

Driving from Northern Ireland to Australia in a Campvervan

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In 1971 Sam and Beatrice Kelly left Northern Ireland on a round-the-world trip in a campervan.

Fifty years later, memories of the trip have been revived by film footage which has resurfaced of an interview they did before they left with TV presenter Gloria Hunniford.
A relative of the couple, who are from County Down, spotted the footage on social media and sent it to the rest of the family.
Beatrice, now 72, was shocked to see the interview as she had forgotten about it.
Beatrice said: โ€œWe wanted to see how the other half lived and this was a good way of seeing it.
โ€œAnd if we were on our own steam (in a camper van), then we could go wherever we like and talk to normal people.โ€
Credit to : BBC

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