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EXPOSED: Ex-Bush Insider Reveals Central Banks’ Secret Digital Money Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts

EXPOSED: Ex-Bush Insider Reveals Central Banks' Secret Digital Money Prison - Catherine Austin Fitts

EXPOSED: Ex-Bush Insider Reveals Central Banks' Secret Digital Money Prison - Catherine Austin Fitts

EXPOSED: Ex-Bush Insider Reveals Central Banks’ Secret Digital Money Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts

FREE public meetings you need to attend starting in Cork on March 20th:

Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of the Solari Report, and the managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC, which focuses on ethical investing and financial strategy.

Previously, she served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during the George H.W. Bush administration. Before that, she was an investment banker, becoming the first woman promoted to managing director at Dillon, Read & Co. in its 156-year history.

Expect to learn about the “control grid,” a global digital system to monitor and control human activity. You will learn how central bankers are seizing control of fiscal policy from legislatures through digital technology, the missing trillions from U.S. government accounting, and the Trump administration’s role in accelerating these systems.

We cover the components for complete digital control including digital IDs, all-digital monetary systems, and surveillance infrastructure, the connection between financial systems and physical autonomy, and strategies for resistance like using cash, building local resilience, and investing in physical gold and silver.

We also dig into how digital technology is restructuring governance systems worldwide and offers insights into maintaining personal freedom in an increasingly centralised financial landscape.


05:02 Israel’s using Palestine as Playground for Technology
08:55 Currency Control and Digital Authority
12:05 Digital Currency: Total Control Potential
13:38 Surveillance, Satellites, and Digital Control
16:42 Breakthrough Energy and Risk Management
20:43 “Mr. Global: The Power Hierarchy”
25:21 Secret Decision-Making in Congress
29:05 Surveillance vs. Totalitarianism Distinction
31:01 Challenging Financial System Transformation
32:59 Manipulating Politics Through Distraction
36:40 Local Opportunities Amidst Deglobalization
42:14 Insights on U.S. Public Spending
45:30 Exposing Resource Exploitation Scheme
47:07 Cash Advocacy Conversation Shift
52:31 The Challenge of Transparency
53:35 The Economics of Central Control

Credit to : Eddie Hobbs

Credit to : Eddie Hobbs

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