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Fianna Fail County Councillor Joe Sheridan; Public Transport supporting local rural villages

Fianna Fail County Councillor Joe Sheridan; Public Transport supporting local rural villages
Fianna Fail County Councillor Joe Sheridan; Public Transport supporting local rural villages

Fianna Fail County Councillor Joe Sheridan; Public Transport supporting local rural villages

#kilkenny #Ballyhale #Shamrocks #Kells #Community #Ruraltransport #Ireland #KilkennyCountyCouncill #roadsafety #FF #CallanThomastown Stoneyford #Windgap #Danesfort @FiannaFail @kilkennycoco @ballyhaleshamrocks @KillkennyGAA Irish Political Roundup caught up with popular Fianna Fails Local County Councillor Joe Sheridan at the Ballyhale GAA Pitch Councillor Sheridan who was elected in June 2024 gives his thoughts to the Irish Political Roundup On the big issues he seeing in his work on the ground, particularly on Rural Public Transport, Road Safety and breathing New life into rural villages by tackling dereliction. Councillor Sheridan who was a big advocate for the new rural Transport as a community activist talks about the new bus service from Fiddown in South Kilkenny to Kilkenny and the big difficulty young people are finding to get a place on a school bus. Road Safety is also a big issue in the Callan Thomastown LEA and Councillor Sheridan Sheridan also tells The Irish Political Roundup about some of the Safety measures that will be put in place in Seven Houses and the N10 National Road. In Final part of the Interview Councillor Sheridan talks about the great Community work that is happening in the surrounding Villages of Stoneyford and Kells especially the huge Boxing Extragansta that took place in aid of the Kells Community Hub plus the news that Councillor Joe Sheridanโ€™s colleague Deputy Peter Chap Cleere TDs new Constituency Offices in Mullinavat and Kilkenny are close to opening. Credit to : Irish Political Roundup

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