Government’s ‘cack-handed mishandling’ of immigration has sewn division – McDonald

Government’s ‘cack-handed mishandling’ of immigration has sewn division – McDonald

The Government’s “cack-handed mishandling” of immigration has caused “angst and division” across Ireland – and some of that has been aimed at Sinn Féin, Mary Lou McDonald has said. On Newstalk Breakfast this morning, the Sinn Féin President said her party’s poor showing in the recent local and European elections was the result of voters telling her party to “shape up” and “shake a leg”. She said voters also directed some of their frustration with Ireland’s current immigration policies at Sinn Féin. “I think certainly the Government’s cack-handed mishandling of this has certainly caused unnecessary division and certainly some of the angst and the ire of that was directed at us by people who were frustrated,” she said. “By the way, not by raving racists – far from it. Credit to : Newstalk

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