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More Mystery Payments from RTE ‘Barter Account’ Uncovered

More Mystery Payments from RTE 'Barter Account' Uncovered

More mystery payments from RTE 'barter account' uncovered

More mystery payments from RTE ‘barter account’ uncovered

​The infamous RTÉ barter account had another €650,000 sloshing around in it that nobody knew about.
A probe into RTÉ found the barter account slush fund – which came to light in the Ryan Tubridy payments scandal – had six-figure sums that were never included in the broadcaster’s annual report.
A new report will now recommend a cap on golden handshakes, which must be approved by the board, at the national broadcaster.
The batch of inquiries also recommend a civil service-style pay scale system for RTÉ, with a range of payments for staff at particular job levels.
The report details a total of €654,000 spent from the barter account, which was not in the annual accounts, including €186,000 in 2018 and €233,000 in 2019.
The existence of the barter account first came to light as it featured in the undisclosed payment to Tubridy and then further revelations about the purchase of flip-flops for a party and lavish corporate hospitality being paid for out of the fund.
Credit to : Irish Independent

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