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Should Eamonn Casey’s remains be removed from Galway Cathedral? | Newstalk

Should Eamonn Casey’s remains be removed from Galway Cathedral? | Newstalk
Should Eamonn Casey's remains be removed from Galway Cathedral? | Newstalk

Should Eamonn Casey’s remains be removed from Galway Cathedral? | Newstalk

After the child sex abuse allegations made against him, should the remains of former bishop Eamonn Casey be removed from the crypt in Galway Cathedral? Pat Kenny is joined by Anne Sheridan (News Editor, Irish Daily Mail) to discuss the issue. An Amárach poll commissioned by the Irish Daily Mail/ DMG Media has found that overall, 49% of some 1,000 adults surveyed believe he should be disinterred, with 17% disagreeing, and 34% saying they ‘don’t know’. The largest number who support disinterment is among those aged 55 and over, of both sexes, which stands at 60% for his remains to be removed, followed by those aged 45-53 at 59%, and by those aged 35-44 (48%). #ireland #news #newstalk Credit to : Irish News Pulse

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