The South Armagh Sniper Brigade

12: The South Armagh Sniper Brigade

The South Armagh Sniping Campaign was a 7 year campaign that was a huge upset to the British Army. Soldiers were sniped from distances of up to 1 kilometre away and they never knew where or when the next bullet would fly. There was a palpable fear and tension for soldiers patrolling in South Armagh. But a ceasefire would give the British Army’s time to gather Intelligence as they narrowed in on finding the snipers. This episode was edited by me, and written by Michael Kincella. MIchael Thomas Kincella was born in Lisburn, schooled in Belfast, and whisked to the outskirts of Newry, where his family has lived for over twenty years. He moved to Glasgow in 2017, where he now works as a freelance writer. His hobbies include reading, taking long walks on the beach, and writing short bios in the third-person.
Credit to : Troubles Podcast

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